Hurricane Maria
Relief and Support Information - St. Croix
Many of the people of
St. Croix can still use your help, so please look below for ways that
you can contribute! St. Croix, beloved by residents
and visitors alike, will take some time to heal and for
restoration and relief efforts to get the island back on its
feet. We are coming together as a community, just as we
always do, to get the
job done, and great progress has already been made!

Donate |
Relief and Aid |
Food Relief |
Price Gouging |
Websites | WAPA |
Emergency #'s
*** Debris
removal from private properties - Click this link for
*** The Henry E. Rohlsen Airport on St. Croix is open for
all commercial flights. Travelers should contact the airlines directly
for flight schedules. *** - Access to Disaster Help and
Resources. Individuals, including
homeowners, renters and those with businesses on St. Croix who
suffered loss or damages due to Hurricane Maria may register
for assistance online at
or by calling 1-800-621-FEMA (3362). Individuals who have a
speech disability or hearing loss and use TTY, should call 1-800-462-7585
directly; for those who use 711 or Video Relay Service (VRS),
call 1-800-621-3362.
FEMA:, and
U.S. Small Business Administration (S.B.A.)
is now providing low-interest loans for businesses, homeowners
and renters affected by Hurricane Maria. Applicants may apply
online using the Electronic Loan Application (ELA) via the SBA’s
secure website at
Tax Relief from IRS for Victims of Hurricane Maria in U.S.
Virgin Islands - The IRS is providing help to the
victims of Hurricane Maria. Special tax relief and
assistance is available to taxpayers in the Presidential
Disaster Areas which includes St Croix and the rest of the
US Virgin Islands.
How and Where to Report Price Gouging on St. Croix
Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs (DLCA) -
Check with these federal and local governmental
agency websites for more information:
FEMA: and
VITEMA (Virgin Islands Territorial Emergency Management
USVI Department of Tourism Special Updates:
One America Appeal - All
five living former Presidents of the United States have
teamed up to launch a joint effort to raise money to help
the people of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands
recover from Hurricane Maria.
You can designate your funds to go directly to St Croix on
the donation page. - Cane Bay
Partners VI, LLLP owners Kirk Chewning and David Johnson are
each providing a $100,000 match which will match the first
$200,000 donated. Our goal is to raise awareness for the
territory and $1,000,000. The money will go directly to CFVI
and then will be allocated to goods and supplies needed such
as generators, medical supplies, cleaning supplies, and
rebuilding efforts.
Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands (CFVI)
To help those affected by the hurricane, the Community
Foundation of the Virgin Islands (CFVI) has
established the Fund for the Virgin Islands.
Former San Antonio Spurs basketball
star Tim Duncan, who grew up on St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin
Islands, created the
21 U.S. Virgin Island Relief Fund when Irma hit the
island. Now, in the aftermath of Maria, the fundraising goal
has been increased to $5 million. Duncan matched the first $1
million in donations.
The Women’s Coalition
of St. Croix supports people impacted by domestic violence
and sexual assault. It is collecting donations for those impacted
by the hurricanes
The group is also accepting care packages of toiletries (tampons,
sanitary napkins, diapers and insect spray are especially needed)
at the following address: Women’s Coalition of St. Croix, P.O.
Box 222734, Christiansted, USVI 00822-2734
American Red Cross Safe and Well website is a free public
reunification tool that allows individuals and organizations
to register and post messages to indicate that they are safe,
or to search for loved ones. The site is always available and
open to the public and available in Spanish. Registrations and
searches can be done directly on the website. Messages exist
in both Spanish and English. To speak with someone at the American
Red Cross concerning a missing friend or relative, please contact
1-800 REDCROSS OR 1-800-733-2767, choose option 1.
WAPA (Water &
Power Authority)
(to report power outages) -
Emergency call centers will be activated in both island
districts on Monday. The call centers will be the primary
means by which residents can report service interruptions as
reconstruction and restoration takes shape. The Emergency
Call Center number on St. Croix is
The centers will operate daily from 7 a.m. – 11 p.m.
Check our
emergency numbers page for
more information.
St. Croix News
St. Croix Source - The St.
Croix Source is a local online newspaper.
VI Consortium - The VI Consortium is an online news
source located in the U.S. Virgin Islands dedicated to
bringing readers the latest VI news.