Deep Sea Fishing Charters - Sport Fishing - Fishing in St. Croix
Hook and Sun Fishing Charters - t 340-227-9650 Blue Canyon Charters - 504-258-2589 Captain Cook Charters - 340-277-2415 Caribbean Sea Adventures - 340 773 2628 Down South Charters - 340-474-7093 Fish Water Charters VI - 704-641-5512 Forever & Always - 340-244-1335 Gone Ketchin' - 340-998-2055 USVI Fishing Charter - 340-514-6799 U.S. Virgin Islands Fishing RegulationsRECREATIONAL FISHING (PERSONAL USE)All recreational anglers fishing in the exclusive economic zone, from 3 to 200 miles offshore from land are required to register with NOAA Fisheries at Recreational anglers, refers to persons who fish for the sole purpose of providing food for themselves or their families, and those who catch and release fish. SALE, OR BARTER, OR TRADE, OF CATCH BY RECREATIONAL FISHERS IS PROHIBITED. The following gear types are considered commercial gear and may not be used by recreational fishers: pots, traps, haul seines and set-nets (set-nets are a type of net consisting of a wall of fine mesh held up by a float line and anchored on the sea floor). Additionally, fishers are required to have permits to fish in the following St Croix locations: Altona Lagoon and Great Pond, St. Croix. No Commercial fishing. A recreational shrimp fishing permit is required for the harvesting of shrimp. A $10 one-year permit is available at the Division of Environmental Enforcement St. Croix office (contact information on back cover). More information can be found in the U.S. Virgin Islands Commercial & Recreational Fishers' Information Booklet published by DPNR’s Division of Fish and Wildlife and the Division of Environmental Enforcement, dated July 2012. Download DPNR's Booklet (PDF File).
St. Croix Inshore Fishing
- 340-514-6078